
Home>Investments>QDII - Global Bond Series
QDII - Global Bond Series
Enjoy long-term investment with stabitlity and higher return with Global Bonds
A bond is a debt instrument issued by governments or large enterprises to raise funds to finance projects or business. Investment bonds lend money to the bond issuers. Therefore by paying interests regularly, investment bonds may obtain stable income and receive 100% principal back upon maturity. A bond is a flexible investing tool, which may yield both in short- and long-term durations. If you expect to gain regularly and benefit from capital appreciation, a bond could be a good addition to a diversified portfolio.
Special Risk Disclosure: This is an investment product with investment risk. The principal and return are not guaranteed. Investors may incur a principal/return loss due to the associated risks. For specific risks and features, please refer to related terms and conditions stated in the product term sheet.
Click here to check the product code in China Wealth Management Information Registration System
BenefitsFeaturesHow to Apply
  • You want to allocate part of your cash sum now for a specific investment horizon and value.
  • You want to be assured of a regular stream of income for a number of years.
  • You want to diversify your assets, as bonds tend not to move in tandem with stock market performance.
Risk Disclosure:
  • This Product shall not be provided to a US person for purposes of US federal income tax, or a person acting for, or on behalf of, a US person, or a person with US mailing address or any other person who fails to meet the Bank’s sales requirement. 
  • A bond is an investment product subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Bonds are obligations and liabilities only of the issuer. Unless as otherwise provided, bonds are not bank deposits or obligations of or guaranteed by Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. / Citibank, N.A. / Citigroup Inc. or any of their branches, parent companies, associated or affiliated companies (except in case where Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of their parent companies, associated or affiliated companies is the issuer).
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